Advanced Geologic Sciences, LLC

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About Advanced Geologic Sciences

Advanced Geologic Sciences, LLC (AGS-LLC) was established in 2012 to provide environmental consulting and remediation services related to identifying and tracking contamination, resolve inhalation/air issues and as needed provide remedial solutions. AGS-LLC is an industry leader in the growing field of environmental sustainability using our proprietary/patented methodologies that identify and treat various subsurface contaminants, especially those that lead to impacts to nearby human or environmental receptors.

AGS-LLC was founded by Dr. Edward Council, PG after 30+ years of working with various government entities, large consulting firms and regulatory agencies on projects across the United States, South America and Asia. Based on our expertise and intimate knowledge of regulatory procedures AGS-LLC provides the solutions needed to resolves our client’s environmental problems.

AGS-LLC can be reached at (937) 371-8698 or at 252 North King Street, Xenia, Ohio 45385. AGS-LLC is centrally located to many of our nation-wide clients. We also maintain remediation pilot-scale research sites nearby in Findlay, Ohio (former Plating Facility) and Kettering, Ohio (former Dry Cleaning Plant).
252 North King St, Xenia, 45385, OH,
(937) 371-8698
Average Price