Approved Components & Systems, Inc.

Approved Components & Systems, Inc. has been dedicated to providing fume, dust, and smoke control solutions to our customers since 1985.

Do you operate an Auto Shop, Motor pool, Fabricating Shop or Manufacturing Facility? Approved Components & Systems, Inc. is a certified Nederman and Nordfab dealer.

Are you complying with local, state, Federal Health Guidance & Standards for airborne fumes, dust, and smoke pollutants? Approved Components & Systems, Inc. is your one stop source for fume, dust, and smoke control equipment. We offer design help and installation!

We also are certified by the State of Ohio as a MBE and Edge vendor. Approved Components & Systems, Inc. partners with local, state, and national vendors to help customers to comply with participation goals.

We supply HVAC and plumbing equipment, vehicle exhaust extraction equipment, air filters and asbestos abatement supplies to contractors.
4955 Reed Rd., Columbus, 43220, OH,
Average Price